Talsco Weekly: Top Strategic Technology Trends for 2024 patrick staudacher

​Welcome to another edition of Talsco Weekly IBM i Briefs:  Users of Db2 Web Query. The Skytap, Azure and MIMIX connection. IBM i Market Sentiment. AI:  Generative AI: On-Premises or in the Cloud. Discovering where and how to use Generative AI in the Enterprise. Hiring:  Right Skills, Right Person, Right Role. Trends:  Top Strategic Technology The post Talsco Weekly: <a href=”https://thinkcast.libsyn.com/explore-gartners-top-strategic-technology-trends-for-2024″><strong>Top Strategic Technology Trends for 2024</strong></a> appeared first on IBM i (AS/400, RPG) Recruiting, Staffing & Consulting. Read More 

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