Explore the cloud options available today for IBM i workloads comparing their advantages and disadvantages along with the benefits and challenges of running IBM i workloads in the cloud, and how this compares to on-premise solutions. Register now: #IBMi Maxava (@imaxava)

​Explore the cloud options available today for IBM i workloads comparing their advantages and disadvantages along with the benefits and challenges of running IBM i workloads in the cloud, and how this compares to on-premise solutions. Register now: attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/18013… #IBMi pic.twitter.com/1FPCitPA2e- Maxava (@imaxava)14:28 – Mar 13, 2023 Read More 

SQL 101: DML Recap-Some Handy Column Functions, Part 2

​It saved you hours of writing intermediate queries and complicated joins (by the way, here are a couple of refreshers about table joins, if you need them), but the result is most unfortunate: a very long number with loads and loads of decimal places.
To answer this question, we’ll need to list the teacher rank, which is a column of the teachers table, and two functions (a count of the teachers per rank and their average salary). Read More 

CEEDATM API CEE2527 Timestamp truncated

​The Convert Seconds to Character Timestamp (CEEDATM) API formats a number representing the number of seconds since 00:00:00 14 October 1582. The output is a character string such as 1988/07/26 20:37:00.One of the parameters in using this API which is an output_timestamp is a character string that is the result of converting input_seconds to the format specified by picture_string.https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/i/7.4?topic=ssw_ibm_i_74/apis/CEEDATM.htmlILE/C program is created that uses STGMDL (*TERASPACE).The program is compiled to TGTRLS(V7R2M0) on V7R3, or TGTRLS(V7R3M0) or TGTRLS(V7R2M0) on V7R4. Running the program results in message CEE2527 (timestamp truncated).   Read More 

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