Getting to message queue data faster

Prior to the latest round of Technology Refreshes for 7.4 and 7.3 if I wanted to get the data from a particular message queue I would need to use the MESSAGE_QUEUE_INFO SQL View. Being a View it contains all the data from all of the message queues, not just the one I would be interested. If I wanted to retrieve the messages from one message queue it would take a while for the results to be found and returned.

There is now a MESSAGE_QUEUE_INFO Table function. Table functions are faster than Views as they are sort of like an API, I pass the message queue name to the Table function and only that message queue is searched for the information I want.

The results returned by the View and Table function are almost identical. The only difference is that the View returns columns for the name of the message queue and the library it resides. As I pass that information to the Table function it is irrelevant to its results.

MESSAGE_QUEUE_INFO Table function has four parameters:

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