Sizing Power10 Correctly with Performance Navigator – Register now!

IBM Power10 technology is here for scale-out and scale-up servers running IBM i, AIX and Linux on Power.  Performance Navigator is ready to help you plan your move to your next Power Server, whether it’s on-premises, dynamic capacity on-premises (PEP2), or in the cloud.

Performance Navigator is the only tool that can predict the exact model, processor, memory, storage, and VIOS needs for IBM Power10.  Spend 30 minutes with HelpSystems Power Systems experts Randy Watson and Tom Huntington as they discuss:

What is available for Power10 planning
What you need to provide our HelpSystems or IBM Techline team to size properly
How this service is used by most IBM resellers around the globe

You will learn the steps for proper capacity planning in a live demonstration and how this will save you in the future!

We look forward to having you join us on August 30, 2022!

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