40 Years Of DB2, But Even More For That No-Name Database Embedded In System/38 Timothy Prickett Morgan

​Last week, Big Blue celebrated the 40th anniversary of the launch of its Database 2 relational database management system for its venerable System/370, System 308X, and System/390 mainframes. It is now called Db2, because marketing people can’t leave anything alone, and even though we now have this thing called Db2 for i, IBM didn’t mention this red-headed stepchild of a relational database as part of its celebration. Not even once. And that’s just fine by us because the integrated relational database management system that has been the heart of our venerable System/38 and its progeny was never DB2/400 or … The post 40 Years Of DB2, But Even More For That No-Name Database Embedded In System/38 appeared first on IT Jungle. Read More 

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