Why is IBM software maintenance so expensive? croby95

​Hello All,
I’m not sure whether this post will be received negatively, but just want to make sure everyone is aware there is an alternative support/maintenance option out there for IBM software. My company Origina supports every version of over 800 distributed and mainframe IBM systems (Db2, WAS, Cognos, DataStage, etc.) at 40-50% of the cost your company pays IBM for maintenance today. You can check out our website at the link below but this makes a lot of sense not only for more affordable Extended Support, but also for companies modernizing to new solutions. Stay fully supported on your currently installed versions for as long as you need, and reinvest the cost-savings into the purchase of and migration to the new replacement solution. We place a greater emphasis on a consultative and intimate approach to support compared to what you’re used to with IBM as well.
Just throwing this out here on Reddit as third-party hardware support has been around for a few decades, but many people still aren’t aware there are viable options for software today too. Happy to answer any questions on here or via email ([[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])). Merry Christmas!
Origina Third-Party IBM Software Maintenance
submitted by /u/croby95[link][comments] Read More 

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