Creating Excel spreadsheets with SQL [email protected] (Simon Hutchinson)

​One of the more eye-catching additions to Db2 for i in the latest round of Technology Refreshes, IBM i 7.5 TR3 and 7.4 TR9, was a SQL scalar function that would create a Microsoft Excel compatible spreadsheet in the IFS.
For years we have been able to create Common Separated Variable length file, CSV, by copying data to the IFS. This can be opened using Microsoft Excel and then saved as an Excel compatible spreadsheet. This is the first time an easy-to-use method has been provided, as part of native IBM i, to allow us to create an Excel in the IFS from data in the Db2 database.
The new scalar function is called GENERATE_SPREADSHEET and is found in the library SYSTOOLS. It has a number of parameters that need to be passed to it:
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