Talsco Weekly: Will AI and Low-Code Platforms Shape the IBM i Landscape? patrick staudacher

​[[{“value”:”Welcome to another edition of Talsco Weekly IBM i Brief:  ℹ️ ​IBM i Subscription Conversion Details. 🔄 ​Streamlining IBM Db2 Data Transfer to Amazon RDS with Precisely. AI:  🚀 Will AI and Low-Code Platforms Shape the IBM i Landscape? Development:  ℹ️ Zend Product Updates. 👨🏽‍💻Nano: A Quick Alternative to RDi and VSCode. Modernization:  📊 ​Reducing
The post Talsco Weekly: Will AI and Low-Code Platforms Shape the IBM i Landscape? appeared first on IBM i (AS/400, RPG) Recruiting, Staffing & Consulting.”}]] Read More 

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