IBM i web services

Nowadays, web services have become an integral part of the IT world. They are used everywhere – even where you least expect it – and they make life a lot easier.

Join me next week for a ?fireside chat? about #OpenSource on #IBMi! I’ll probably talk about security, programming, scalability, community, and the intricate relationship between PASE, RPG, and Db2! Now, that’s HOT! Please join the discussion!

Join me next week for a ?fireside chat? about #OpenSource on #IBMi! I’ll probably talk about security, programming, scalability, community, and the intricate relationship between PASE, RPG, and Db2! Now, that’s HOT! Please join the discussion!…

– Jesse Gorzinski (@IBMJesseG)18:07 – Mar 03, 2022

Let’s make these two events the best yet! @COMMONug @CommonIberia @Common_NL @CommonEurope @CommonFrance @commonsweden @common_polska @CommonDenmark #RegisterNow #IBMi #Db2fori #SQLcandoit

Let’s make these two events the best yet! @COMMONug @CommonIberia @Common_NL @CommonEurope @CommonFrance @commonsweden @common_polska @CommonDenmark #RegisterNow #IBMi #Db2fori #SQLcandoit…

– Scott Forstie (@Forstie_IBMi)17:17 – Mar 03, 2022Quoted Tweet:

Plan to attend @COMMONug #POWERUp2022 and @CommonEurope CEC2022 this spring! You’ll hear all about #IBMi Announcements of Really Cool Things!

– Steve Will (@Steve_Will_IBMi)12:30 – Mar 02, 2022

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