CEC 2021 Registration
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You should attend; this will be worth your time #IBMi
You should attend; this will be worth your time #IBMi twitter.com/CTXiUG/status/…
– Matt Seeberger (@mkseeberger)07:06 – Oct 12, 2021Quoted Tweet:
?Tommorow is the @CTXiUG meeting. I have been looking forward to this free online presentation from #IBMChampion @AndyYouens ?♂️.
Starts @ 6:30 PM CT.
Details & registration at ctxiug.blogspot.com
#IBMi #AS400 #CTXiUG #Texas #CentralTexas #ATX #SanAntonio #IBMiLUG
– Central Texas IBM i User Group (@CTXiUG)05:00 – Oct 11, 2021
This brief overview gives insight into the key insights and similarities between the file transfer protocols HTTP and FTP.
Build 203 – Instana Documentation
Add support for AWS SDK Lambda Invoke call
IBM Cloud Platform sensor added support for IBM Cloud Container Registry, IBM Cloud Schematics and IBM VPN for VPC
Invoking AWS Lambda functions via the AWS SDK (Lambda#invoke, Lambda#invokeAsync) is now captured and also correlated into the trace for Go and Node.js
AWS Lambda executions that are cold starts are now marked as such in unbounded analytics (for Node.js based Lambdas, other runtimes will follow).
Imminent timeouts of AWS Lambda functions are detected and shown as such in unbounded analytics (for Node.js based Lambdas, other runtimes will follow).
IBM i and Db2 on i monitoring
Instana now supports remote monitoring of multiple IBM i instances.
The monitored IBM i instance will be displayed as a tower on your Infrastructure Map as well as the Db2 on i will be presented as a running process within the tower.
OS related metrics are collected from various system tables, as well as the database related metrics are collected using the built-in IBM i Collection Services.
The supported versions are: 7.2, 7.3 and 7.4.
This includes:
IBM i OS level metrics – a built-in dashboard that displays system and memory pool metrics. For more information, refer to the IBM i docs.
Db2 on i – a built-in dashboard that displays Active Queries, various Operations, Plan Cache and SQL Cursor metrics. For more information, refer to the Db2 on i docs.
IBM APM V8 integration support
Instana now supports integration with IBM Application Performance Monitoring V8. Supported V8 agents attached to an APM V8 server can be integrated with
the Instana server. Metrics and identity information from the APM V8 agents is forwarded to the Instana server. Host, process and IBM Datapower entities and metrics will
appear on the Infrastructure map. Supported V8 agents are:
Linux OS
Window OS
Unix OS on AIX
IBM Datapower
IBM MQ tracing support (Technology Preview)
Instana now supports tracing IBM MQ messages on xLinux 64. For more information, refer to the IBM MQ docs.
IBM Z HMC monitoring (Technology Preview)
Instana now supports remote monitoring of zHMC. This includes a built-in dashboard that displays key metrics. For more information, refer to the IBM Z HMC docs
Instana Agent on OpenShift
The Instana Agent can now be deployed on OpenShift 4.7 and above on IBM Z and LinuxONE.
We made sure to cover all 3 modes of installation – Helm, YAML and Operator.
Find our more on in our OpenShift documentation.
Sensor and Agent enhancements
WebSphere Application
Added EJB metrics ResponseTime and ResponseCount
Added session manager metrics CreateCount and InvalidateCount
Added thread pool metrics ConcurrentHungThreadCount and DeclaredThreadHungCount
IBM Db2 v 11.5 LUW Containerised version with agents running on Linux VMs – Supported on Linux on x86_64, Linux on Power, IBM Z and LinuxONE
Added various metrics related to Top queries, Lock wait, Agent status, DBM Config usage, workload and UOW as metrics collections.
Added detailed table views for DB & DBM configurations, Top Queries, Lock wait, Top Total CPU, Log Disk Wait, Runstats and Diag Log entries.
With Agent 1.1.602 its possible to set mode.web-override.allowed = false in the file <agent-installation>/etc/instana/com.instana.agent.main.config.Agent.cfg to disable the possibility of overriding the Agent Mode directly from the Instana UI.
You can now inspect the Instana product in nine additional languages. While we aren’t finished yet with the product’s localization (see known issues), we hope you can already benefit from this. The language can be configured within the product’s general user settings (Settings ➡ User Settings ➡ General). With this release, we are supporting the following languages:
Chinese (China),
Chinese (Taiwan),
Portuguese (Brazil) and
Trace logs for Unbounded Analytics (beta)
We are excited to announce that Logs has joined the Unbounded Analytics family! You can now explore WARN and ERROR Trace Logs outside the context of a Call or Trace. While the feature is in beta, please provide us feedback using the link on top of the page.
.Net Core Tracer: Added support for AWS SDK S3 version 3.7.
OpenTelemetry: Improved discoverability of tags in Unbounded Analytics
Java Trace Sensor: Added support for WebSphere EJB tracing
Go Sensor: versions v1.30.0 and instrumentation/instagin/v1.0.0 were released. Support for Gin framework was added.
Instana Trace SDK: The span duration can now be overwritten using the duration tag (in milliseconds)
Event enhancement.
Add poll rate for each queue manager.
DFQ enhancements – Now you can search by Channel, Cluster, Queue or Queue Manager.
IBM DataPower:
Support appliance down status.
Java Trace Sensor: Correctly trace asynchronous GraphQL calls
Fixed critical regression issue caused extension to crash
Fixed firing an exception on Yii framework
Limited profilier stack depth to prevent memory overflow in the agent
A number of code improvements and fixes
Known Issues
Some parts of the Instana product are not yet localized or encounter layout issues through localization.