IBM Delivers a Db2 Mirror Update IT Jungle
Four Hundred Monitor, January 12 – IT Jungle
Four Hundred Monitor, January 12 IT Jungle
Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform with Chris Norville
In this episode, Luke and Joe are pleased to bring you a conversation with Chris Norville. Chris is an Ansible Specialist Solutions Architect with Red Hat. We’ll be discussing how to get started with Ansible in an afternoon, as well as, how enterprise businesses use it in production.
Log4j Hits Heritage Version of Navigator for i – No Patch Coming
IBM i shops running the old version of the Navigator for i client should be aware that the software is vulnerable to the Log4j security vulnerability, and there will be no patch to fix it, IBM says in a new security bulletin. There will, however, be fixes coming to other vulnerable components, including IWS, IAS, and IBM i Access Client Solutions (ACS), IBM says.
Just before we hit the holiday break, the extremely severe Apache Log4j security vulnerability was disclosed to the world, resulting in a frantic effort to patch servers, desktops, refrigerators – just about anything with a …
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IBM i PTF Guide, Volume 24, Number 2
The Log4j and Log4Shell saga continues here in the second edition of the IBM i PTF Guide in 2022, which is a fast follower to the one we published just two days ago. IBM has issued a new Security Bulletin, explaining that IBM i components are affected by CVE-2021-4104 (Log4j version 1.X), and the full details about the security exposure and mitigation techniques can be found at this link.
Here are the affected products and their versions:
IBM Navigator for i (heritage version only): IBM i 7.4, 7.3, and 7.2 – the heritage version
Integrated Web Services Server (IWS):
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