Webinar Increase software quality, reduce risk and automate for IBM i

Webinar: Increase software quality, reduce risk and automate for IBMi

How change management and testing work together

Change management and testing tools help IBM i businesses effectively and safely manage software development. When used in concert, they amplify efficiency and velocity regardless of your chosen methodology, while protecting your core production systems from errors.


In this joint webinar, technology partners Original Software and Midrange Dynamics discuss how integrated change management and automated testing benefit application maintenance, modernization projects, fixes, and your IT projects.

Midrange Dynamics and Original Software have formed a technology partnership to bring the best of breed in Change Management and Automated Testing solutions to market, in an integrated approach to delivering issue-free changes, and hence protecting your core production systems from errors. The approach brings efficiency and increased velocity to your development life cycle, regardless of your chosen methodology.

In this webinar, you will learn how to:

Increase software quality and reduce risk to deliver issue-free changes

Dramatically reduce production downtime using intelligent automation

Implement effective change management with a comprehensive IBM i testing approach

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Check out the next #IBMPower #ISV #Webcast coming up tomorrow – this time on #EnterpriseAI ! Learn about the new #AI #Innovations available with #Power10 & how to take advantage of those, bringing additional value to your customers. Oct 28th – 10 am ET:

Check out the next #IBMPower #ISV #Webcast coming up tomorrow – this time on #EnterpriseAI ! Learn about the new #AI #Innovations available with #Power10 & how to take advantage of those, bringing additional value to your customers.
Oct 28th – 10 am ET: ibm.biz/Bdfh8a pic.twitter.com/7Fub2U94Y3

– Petra Bührer (Buehrer) (@PetraBuehrer)08:41 – Oct 27, 2021

October 2021 Newsletter

This newsletter includes:

Advanced Security Testing: Processes Part 1
Need Another Tape Drive? Go Virtual!
iAdmin Fall 2021
IBM i Security Resource Page
iTech iTip Videos
Sips & Tricks: Coffee with iTech
iBasics: IBM i Education for the Beginner System Administrator
iPOWER Hour Podcast Episode 33: Assessing Your IBM i Cybersecurity Risks
Upcoming Events
iTech Spotlight
IBM i, FSP, and HMC release levels and PTFs (October 2021)

October for me is always the start of the second conference season of the year, with a multitude of conferences happening in October.  Unfortunately, two of my favorite the COMMON Fall Conference and IBM Technical University both are virtual events due to COVID. I am so sick of the pandemic, I want to see all my IBM i friends who I see at conferences.  Sometimes, it’s not necessarily the sessions you learn the most at, it is at the informal discussions and networking where you learn the most.

That is one of the reasons when you look at our iAdmin being held on Nov 9th and 10th, we have tried to add sessions where you can interact with the iTech speakers, and everyone in attendance. More details about iAdmin later in the newsletter.

I am looking forward to attending in person the COMMON Europe Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark during the first week of November.  One of the most beautiful and exciting cities in Europe, it will be great to catch up with so many friends over in Europe that week.

We all heard about the new Power10 Enterprise servers which were announced last month, lots of details have been flowing and these are some amazing large Power Systems, with quite a lot of performance.  I can’t wait for next year when the scale-out servers will be announced.  IBM has talked about the Power10 chip for about 18 months, and we knew it was coming.  From some of the initial performance metrics, it looks like we are going to see a 1.5 to 1.6 performance improvement in these enterprise E1080 servers, over the same E980 (Power 9 based) servers.


We can see how the roadmap of the IBM Power processor has evolved over the years as IBM keeps investing in the POWER processor.   Notice in this  chart it shows the Power11 processors stated for the future as it is currently being designed.  Did you ever think, who actually does the …

The post October 2021 Newsletter first appeared on iTech Solutions Group.

Groundhog Day for Malware

Say it with me: IBM i is NOT immune to malware.

A couple of years ago I wrote a piece called The Real Effects of Malware on IBM i. I thought it laid out a pretty fun yet frighteningly serious story of having an argument with a gentleman on Facebook regarding what’s IBM i fact vs fiction regarding malware and how myself and iTech Solutions colleague Nathan Williams proved it out with some homemade malware and hosed a test system in the process. It really just says everything it needs to.

So a few weeks ago I’m on Facebook again having the same argument with other people.

I’ll not besmirch the original poster’s name in this newsletter article. I just want to highlight his content of the conversation so I can add a few formal rebuttals after I’ve had some additional time to ponder. I’ve cleaned it up a little for the benefit of the readers.

The IFS just like a UNIX or Windows file system is susceptible to viruses, the i/OS is NOT.”

Okay, this comment is pretty much false information. First, the IFS is called the Integrated File System because it’s exactly that. It literally contains ALL TEN IBM i file systems! Here they all are for good measure:

Integrated File System

Root File System










It starts with the Root file system of course.

Every other file system is underneath the root directory. Contained in various places within those file systems is the IBM i operating system. If you expose these file systems through SMB file shares via IBM NetServer, then they are 110% susceptible to malware. See the article above.

No, the IBM OS is NOT susceptible to Malware and PC Viruses…IFS files are of course because they are just PC files anyway, but the architecture of the IBM i and its objects are not going to be attacked by viruses…in my 38 years of IBM midrange including IBM Rochester support, sorry, you are wrong.

Again, there’s a fundamental misunderstanding of what exactly the IFS actually is and what is or isn’t susceptible to malware. And once someone pulls out the years of experience as a reason to accept their argument as gospel then they’ve lost any leg to stand on. It’s a whopping non sequitur. If someone has 50 years in mathematics and …

The post Groundhog Day for Malware first appeared on iTech Solutions Group.

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