Valence Developer Diaries #023 – Form field set changes & creating a side navigation menu type app

In this week’s session we covered putting recently introduced form design features to work and creating the equivalent of a side navigation panel into an app. 00:35 – Form field set changes from previous Valence versions 01:30 – Side Navigation App summarized 02:00 – Field Sets in an older version of Valence summarized with an example 02:45 – Field Sets in the newest version of Valence summarized with an example 04:40 – Cleaning up column labels in a NAB Form widget 06:20 – Creating a new app for a Side Navigation App example 07:40 – Adding Menu Buttons (Navigation menu, Section Buttons) to a NAB app 10:00 – Setting up NAB Buttons Actions in different App Sections 11:20 – Setting up the Navigation Menu to “hidden” and to show up on click (hideNavButtons) 14:00 – Creating New App Variables in NAB to disable buttons (disableSection1Btn, disableSection2Btn etc.) 17:30 – Set App Variables – nabInfo set up to display a pop up message 17:50 – Testing a NAB app with a Navigation Panel – switching sections 18:50 – Checking newly added Valence features in the Framework Release History on CNX’s Forums

Optimal Authentic Modernization of Heritage IBM i Software Assets #ibmi #authenticmodernizationonibmi #datacentriconibmi #rpgunleashed #datamodernization #digitaltransformation #digitalbusinesstransformation

Optimal Authentic Modernization of Heritage IBM i Software Assets#ibmi #authenticmodernizationonibmi #datacentriconibmi #rpgunleashed #datamodernization #digitaltransformation #digitalbusinesstransformation

– Marinus van Sandwyk (@Mbogo333)23:58 – Nov 30, 2021

Storage Best Practices for HA/DR on IBM i – Register Here

It may seem obvious, but extra libraries, objects, and IFS directories not only waste disk storage, but they also cause unnecessary overhead when it comes to your HA/DR plans. It’s not unusual to find IBM i systems with libraries and directories full of large objects that are not really considered critical business data, yet they get included in HA/DR activities.

Why save or replicate libraries that are purely on the system from developers, leftover projects, or just archival? Instead, clean up this wasted storage and unwanted data, save the data you actually need to tape or VTL, and then archive in case someone asks for it!

Join this live webinar where our experts show you how to get started cleaning up your storage. We’ll share some best practices on how to handle storage to improve your HA/DR activities, including:

Separate developer activity off your production partition (VM)
Identify the application and data that is changing
Save archival data to media and remove from the system
Look for stagnant objects: save files, old libraries, ISO images, journal receivers
Reorganize physical files

A messy system absolutely has a negative impact on your ability to meet business continuity objectives. It’s time to stop wasting system resources in storage and processor on non-critical storage!

We look forward to having you join us on December 2!

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