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RPG & DB2 Summit Gong Show 2021

One of the most fun activities we experience at the RPG & DB2 Summit is the ISV Gong Show. We invited a few of the IBM i companies who participated in the past to come back and re-enact the Gong Show experience for us, one last time.

In this light-hearted event, each software company is given a scant 30 seconds to deliver their best “elevator pitch” to strike up an interest in their product. The companies will vie for your attention – often with humor – in hopes you will decide to check out their product offerings. For those who exceed their 30-second time limit, Paul will delight in using his gong to let them know.

Creating an auto-scrolling subfile

The idea for this post came from a question that was asked on Facebook. Someone wanted to create a subfile that would be projected onto a screen at an event. The subfile would scroll to the next screen of results every so many seconds without the need for someone to press a key on the keyboard.

I was surprised by the replies to the question, some said it was not possible, others gave over complicated examples of how they thought it could be achieved. I knew that to do this was simple, and all the information needed to do this exists in various posts on this website.

I decided to write a program to do what was asked before. I decided to make this a little more interesting:

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Robot | I Inherited an IBM i in 2021, Please Help!

What do you do when your AS/400 talent retires? Get our guide to find out: https://www.helpsystems.com/cta/what-to-do-when-ibm-i-talent-retires

It’s a great time to be an IT professional. With the overall shortage of trained IT staff you are in demand. Yet employee turnover is also highest in the tech sector. One day, you’re working comfortably alongside your colleague. The next day, she’s gone—poached by a competitor, reassigned, or retired—and your boss hands you her operating system: “an AS/400”, he says.

“What the heck is an AS/400?” you think. What your boss might not know—and what you’re about to find out—is that this so-called AS/400 is actually the backbone of your entire business! With no in-house expert to teach you the ropes, where can you turn for help?

Start with this recorded webinar! The IBM i experts at HelpSystems have decades of experience and a worldwide presence on the platform. We’ll also introduce you to a recent convert on our staff, Scott Angus, technical support manager for the Robot product line. We’ll also share proven strategies for your successful education in IBM i systems management, including:

-IBM i architectural nuances
-IBM i interface options
-IBM i operational basics
-IBM i security considerations
-IBM i educational opportunities

Most importantly, you’ll learn what your boss really expects from you now and what you need to ask your boss in order to succeed in managing this powerful new platform.

Watch today!

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